Welcome to our Journey Page. We are so glad that you are interested in continuing your Journey of exploring faith in Jesus Christ. We think a good Next Step for any explorer would be to take about 5 Minutes and watch this video entitled the Water of Life from the incredible team over at The Bible Project. It is a summary of the story of God and the true life that He offers each of us. Enjoy.
We are all Thirsty. We go through life trying to quench the thirst in our soul but never being truly satisfied. There is a story in the Bible where Jesus was sitting at a well talking with a woman who had come out to draw water. He said to her, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.” (John 4:14-15)
Jesus offers the same thing to you today. Are you ready to accept the Living Water that Jesus offers? Are you ready to put you faith and trust in Him? Then please read on just a little more.
How Do I Become a Christian?
This is the best news of all. It is because of God’s love for us that He has made it simple to become a Christian. It is not all about going to church, following the rules or completing certain rituals. Instead, it is about putting faith in God and entering into a relationship with Jesus Christ. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ is what makes a person a Christian.
Are you ready to become a Christian?
First – We all must realize and confess that we sinned and rebelled against God. It’s not about being a good person or a bad person. The Bible says that EVERYONE has sinned in God’s eyes. We must be willing to admit that and that we need God’s forgiveness.
Second – we need to understand that Jesus provided that forgiveness through His blood sacrifice on the cross. Because God is good and just, the penalty for sin must be accounted for. The Good News is, that Jesus has paid that debt and we can be set free.
Lastly – we need to confess to God that we believe that Jesus is LORD, we need His forgiveness and that we are placing our lives into His hands. We will spend the rest of our days seeking Him and learning about His work in the world around us. Say a simple prayer to God today.
Are you ready to do that?
Have you made a decision to follow Jesus?
If you have decided to put your faith in Jesus Christ today then…WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!! We want to hear about your decision and then encourage you, pray with you and help you with maps and resources to help you with your Journey. Please take a moment and connect with us by clicking the button below.
While you become a Christian by faith, the story does not end there. There is a lot to learn about the Faith and what the bible teaches. Here is a great resource to find tons of help with “Questions about the Christian Life“. Take your Next Steps in your Journey of following Jesus.
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