Our Shoebox collection continues to grow. For 2023 we collected
306 Shoeboxes!!
Thanks to all who participated this year.
Fellowship Church is a proud participant with Samaritan's Purse through their annual Operation Christmas Child project. Each year, hundreds of shoebox gifts are donated to this ministry by Fellowship Church.
"Samaritan's Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world." For more than fifteen years, we have collected shoeboxes at Fellowship Church. Our new accumulative total is over 2500 shoeboxes in the last 20+ years with an estimated value over $36,451. We are praying for even more next year so we hope you will join us.
All Shoeboxes must be into the church, on or before SHOEBOX SUNDAY...
Sunday November 24st, 2024.
How to Pack a Shoebox
1. Find a Shoebox
Start with an average-size cardboard or plastic shoebox. If you want to wrap it, cover the box and lid separately. Shoeboxes are currently available at the church.
2. Chose Girl or Boy
Decide whether you will pack a box for a girl or a boy, and the age category: 2–4, 5–9, or 10–14.
3. Fill with Gifts
Select a medium to large “wow” item such as a soccer ball with pump or stuffed animal, then fill with other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies.
4. Pray
Most importantly, pray for the child who will receive your gift. You can also include a personal note and photo.
5. Label Your Box
Make sure to affix a label to your box and include your donation to help with shipping. Labels are available at the church OR you can donate the Suggested $9 online and follow your box to its destination.
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