This series called “Kingdom Come” is a study through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Choose any of the videos you wish to watch by selecting the “Playlist Icon” at the top left corner of the video.
This series called “Kingdom Come” is a study through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Choose any of the videos you wish to watch by selecting the “Playlist Icon” at the top left corner of the video.
This series called “Searching for the Kingdom” seeks the Grander Vision of building the Kingdom of God. Choose any of the videos you wish to watch by selecting the “Playlist Icon” at the top left corner of the video.
This series called “Good News” is our Christmas theme for 2019. Choose any of the videos you wish to watch by selecting the “Playlist Icon” at the top left corner of the video.
This series called “Oikonomics” explores how we can use the 5 Capitals of Life to make a Kingdom difference. Choose any of the videos you wish to watch by selecting the “Playlist Icon” at the top left corner of the video.
This series called “Less Than” explores the life that we can live WITH God that we were created for. Choose any of the videos you wish to watch by selecting the “Playlist Icon” at the top left corner of the video.
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